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Wildfire Risk Rises as Western States Dry out Amid Ongoing Heat Wave Baking Most of the US

Blazes are burning in Oregon, where the governor issued an emergency authorization allowing additional firefighting resources to be deployed. More than 142 million people around the U.S. were under heat alerts Wednesday, especially across the West, where dozens of locations tied or broke heat records.

Forum Explores Dangerous Intersection of Brain Injury and Law Enforcement

The Portland Committee on Community-Engaged Policing hosted event with medical, legal and first-hand perspectives.

2 Men Drown in Glacier National Park Over the July 4 Holiday Weekend

 A 26-year-old man from India slipped on rocks and was swept away in Avalanche Creek on Saturday morning. His body has not been recovered. And a 28-year-old man from Nepal who was not an experienced swimmer drowned in Lake McDonald near Sprague Creek Campground on Saturday evening. His body was recovered by a sheriff's dive team.

Records Shatter as Heatwave Threatens 130 million Across U.S. 

Roughly 130 million people are under threat from a long-running heat wave that already has broken records with dangerously high temperatures and is expected to shatter more inot next week from the Pacific Northwest to the Mid-Alantic states and the Northeast. Forecasters say temperatures could spike above 100 degrees in Oregon, where records could be broken in cities such as Eugene, Portland and Salem


HUD Expands Program to Help Homeowners Repair Homes

The newly updated Federal Housing Administration Program will assist families looking for affordable financing to repair, purchase, or...

UFCW 555 Turns in Signatures for Initiative Petition 35 - United for Cannabis Workers Act

On July 5, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555 delivered over 163,000 signatures to the Oregon Secretary of...

Local Photographer Announces Re-Release of Her Book

Kelly Ruthe Johnson, a nationally recognized photographer and author based in Portland, Oregon, has announced the re-release of her...

Multnomah County Daytime Cooling Centers Will Open Starting Noon Friday, July 5

Amid dangerous heat, three daytime cooling centers open. ...

Pier Pool Closed Temporarily for Major Repairs

North Portland outdoor pool has a broken water line; crews looking into repairs ...

Thousands of Oregon hospital patients may have been exposed to infectious diseases

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — More than 2,400 patients at hospitals around Portland, Oregon, may have been exposed to infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and C, as well as HIV, because of an anesthesiologist who may not have followed infection control practices, officials said. ...

Wildfire risk rises as Western states dry out amid protracted heat wave

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Authorities in Western states warned of the rising risk of wildfires amid a protracted heat wave that has dried out the landscape while setting temperature records and putting lives at risk. Forecasters, meanwhile, said Thursday that some relief was due by the weekend. ...

Missouri governor says new public aid plan in the works for Chiefs, Royals stadiums

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said Thursday that he expects the state to put together an aid plan by the end of the year to try to keep the Kansas City Chiefs and Royals from being lured across state lines to new stadiums in Kansas. Missouri's renewed efforts...

Kansas governor signs bills enabling effort to entice Chiefs and Royals with new stadiums

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Kansas' governor signed legislation Friday enabling the state to lure the Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs and Major League Baseball's Royals away from neighboring Missouri by helping the teams pay for new stadiums. Gov. Laura Kelly's action came three days...


Minding the Debate: What’s Happening to Our Brains During Election Season

The June 27 presidential debate is the real start of the election season, when more Americans start to pay attention. It’s when partisan rhetoric runs hot and emotions run high. It’s also a chance for us, as members of a democratic republic. How? By...

State of the Nation’s Housing 2024: The Cost of the American Dream Jumped 47 Percent Since 2020

Only 1 in 7 renters can afford homeownership, homelessness at an all-time high ...

Juneteenth is a Sacred American Holiday

Today, when our history is threatened by erasure, our communities are being dismantled by systemic disinvestment, Juneteenth can serve as a rallying cry for communal healing and collective action. ...


Thousands mark 1995 Srebrenica genocide which is denied by Serbs, fueling ethnic tensions in Bosnia

SREBRENICA, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) — Thousands of people from Bosnia and abroad gathered in Srebrenica on Thursday for the annual ritual of commemorating the 1995 genocide which Serb officials continue to deny, fueling ethnic tensions and deep divisions within the war-ravaged state. ...

Mississippi election officials argue against quick work on drawing new majority-Black districts

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Redrawing some Mississippi legislative districts in time for this November's election is impossible because of tight deadlines to prepare ballots, state officials say in new court papers. Attorneys for the all-Republican state Board of Election Commissioners...

Family vows during funeral to push for charges after Black man pinned to ground outside hotel

With chants of “Justice for D'Vontaye,” family and friends gathered Thursday for the funeral of a Black man who died after being pinned to the ground by security guards outside a Milwaukee hotel. And while remembering D'Vontaye Mitchell as a son, husband and brother, they vowed to...


Book Review: Pollster who wrote 'The Latino Century' says both political parties get Hispanics wrong

Mike Madrid, author of the new book “The Latino Century,” is better situated than most political consultants to comment on the U.S. Latino electorate because of his job experience and upbringing. Growing up in a Mexican American family in Southern California, Madrid says he...

Celebrity birthdays for the week of July 14-20

Celebrity birthdays for the week of July 14-20: July 14: Actor Nancy Olson (“Sunset Boulevard”) is 96. Football player-turned-actor Rosey Grier is 92. Actor Vincent Pastore (“The Sopranos”) is 78. Bassist Chris Cross of Ultravox is 72. Actor Jerry Houser (“Summer of...

Book Review: 'John Quincy Adams' gives the sixth president's life the sweep and scope it deserves

To be clear, Randall Woods' “John Quincy Adams: A Man for the Whole People” is not a leisurely read designed for the beach or airport. Clocking in at more than 700 pages, Woods' biography of the sixth president is massive in both length and scope. But that's the type of book Adams...


Why Nicolás Maduro appears 13 times on the ballot for Venezuela's presidential election

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — His smile is confident, his hair well-combed and his eyes are squinting slightly: The...

European Union says X's blue checks are deceptive, transparency falls short under social media law

LONDON (AP) — The European Union said Friday that blue checkmarks from Elon Musk's X are deceptive and that the...

Vermonters pummeled by floods exactly 1 year apart begin another cleanup

PLAINFIELD, Vt. (AP) — Owen Bradley has been listening to the flow of the Great Brook outside his historic brick...

On stage, one of Japan's biggest Kabuki stars changes roles in an instant. Offstage, it took decades

TOKYO (AP) — Onstage, Danjuro Ichikawa, one of the biggest stars of Japan's Kabuki theater, is a virtuoso in...

The son of Asia’s richest man is set to marry in the year's most extravagant wedding

MUMBAI, India (AP) — Global celebrities, business tycoons and politicians began arriving in India’s financial...

Paul Kagame appears set to extend his long presidency of Rwanda in an election Monday

KIGALI, Rwanda (AP) — Rwandans vote Monday in an election that will almost certainly extend the long rule of...

Adam Aigner-Treworgy and Dan Lothian CNN

LOS CABOS, Mexico (CNN) -- U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday welcomed the results of the Greek election as he prepared to join other world leaders at a summit aimed at boosting a sluggish global economic recovery.

Officially, the G-20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico, will largely focus on one of the primary causes of the recovery's lethargy -- the threat of a European currency collapse that would roil the already fragile economies of most of the 17 countries that use the euro.

"The world is concerned about the slowing of growth that has taken place," Obama said Monday before the start of the summit, following one-on-one-talks with host President Felipe Calderon of Mexico. " A lot of attention has been centered on Europe. Now is the time, as we've discussed, to make sure that all of us join to do what's necessary to stabilize the world financial system, to avoid protectionism, to ensure that we are working hand-in-hand to both grow the economy and create jobs while taking a responsible approach long term and medium term towards our fiscal structures."

However, the summit was not expected to produce concrete commitments, and European Union President Jose Manuel Barroso made clear Monday that European nations were not there to be lectured on how to proceed.

"This crisis was not originated in Europe. .... This crisis was originated in North America," Barroso said. "And many of our financial sector were contaminated by -- how can I put it -- unorthodox practice from some sectors of the financial market. But we are not putting the blame on our partners. What we are saying is let's work together when we have a global problem like the one we have today. "

He called for the G-20 leaders to back steps the European Union is taking, such as possible further bailouts of struggling economies such as Greece and Spain.

"Frankly, we are not coming here to receive lessons in terms of democracy or in terms of how to handle the economy because the European Union is a model that we may be very proud of," Barroso said. "We are not complacent about the difficulties. We are extremely open. I wish that all our partners were so open about their own difficulties."

As usual for any summit, Obama also has bilateral meetings with other leaders, including his first direct talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin since Putin recently returned to the post for a second time.

Obama and Putin began their one-on-one meeting early Monday afternoon, after Obama and host President Felipe Calderon of Mexico held that talks that included the announcement that Mexico would join the United States and eight other countries in negotiations on the Trans Pacific Partnership, an economic union to boost trade.

In addition to the United States, the current countries of the partnership are Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam.

A main topic of the summit will be Sunday's elections in debt-ridden Greece, where the center-right New Democracy party won the most votes and was asked to try to form a coalition government.

The vote was widely seen as a Greek referendum on staying in the euro, and the narrow victory for New Democracy over Syriza -- a leftist party that opposes conditions that accompany an international bailout for the country -- brought initial ease to world markets roiled by the prospect of a possible European currency collapse.

After his talks Monday with Calderon, Obama expressed optimism that the new Greek government would remain committed to a solution that would keep the country in the European monetary union.

"I think the election in Greece yesterday indicates a positive prospect for not only them forming a government, but also them working constructively with their international partners in order that they can continue on the path of reform, and do so in a way that also offers the prospects for the Greek people to succeed and prosper," Obama told reporters.

A rocky election in Greece that would result in its departure from the eurozone was one of the greatest fears coming into the summit, and while that fear appears to have been averted for now, the United States still expects European leaders to lay out a plan for dealing with the effects of the distressed Greek economy.

"We expect to hear more of this in Los Cabos, showing that they are fundamentally committed to evolving the euro area in a way that makes the monetary union much stronger by virtue of having a more banking union, more fiscal union, more political union," Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs Lael Brainard told reporters in a briefing just days before the start of the summit.

Mike Froman, Obama's deputy national security adviser for international economics, told the advance briefing that "this isn't a meeting where we expect Europeans to make decisions about Europe."

While avoiding an economic contagion is central to the G-20's formal mission, many eyes will also be trained on the bilateral meeting Obama and Putin.

Russia has recently blocked two resolutions in the U.N. Security Council targeted at putting a stop to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's brutal attacks on civilians, deepening a divide that has darkened an otherwise resurgent relationship between the United States and its former Cold War foe.

Prior to the summit, U.S. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters that the United States continues to work to get Russia to agree with its position that al-Assad must relinquish power.

"We've been working to get the Russians to come in line with, frankly, the broad international community," Rhodes said. "This is not just an issue between the United States and Russia, it's really an issue between the international community, on the one hand, that is expressing support for a real transition in Syria, and the Syrian government, which has, of course, resisted those steps.

"So we'll continue to work through that area of difference with the Russians because we believe that they can play a role, again, in pressing the Assad regime and supporting a political transition."

Obama will meet later Monday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and then on Tuesday with Chinese President Hu Jintao.

Obama and Hu are expected to discuss China's role in ongoing talks with Iran over its nuclear program, as well as China's role in spurring growth.

The members of the G-20 are the United States, the European Union, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, China, Canada, Argentina, South Korea, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Australia.

CNN's Tom Cohen contributed to this report.