Connect with other working-class women. Hear what Grassroots Women has been up to in the past year. Share ideas of what we can do together to further the struggle for genuine women's liberation!
Sunday, July 26, 1 – 4 pm
1115b East Hastings St. (entrance on Glen St.)
Childcare + snacks
Telephone to RSVP: 604.682.4451
Grassroots Women is an anti-imperialist women's organization formed in Vancouver in 1995.
We stand and fight for the following:
Our democratic right to expose and oppose the negative impacts of imperialist globalization in Canada and internationally, particularly its impacts on working class and other marginalized women.
The right of working class women to be free of class exploitation and sexism, racism, and all other forms of oppression.
The right of exploited and oppressed peoples to struggle against imperialism and for human rights, freedom, liberation and a just and lasting peace.